
mardi 27 juin 2017

Sony Will Demo 3D Biometric Facial Recognition at MWC Shanghai

MWC Shanghai will be taking place this week from June 28th to July 1st and Sony will be there to show off some new technology they've been working on. The trend of biometric authentication has been on the rise within the smartphone industry ever since more OEMs started using fingerprint scanners. We've seen Samsung add in a sensor for iris scanning functionality and now it looks like Sony is working with some companies to demo 3D biometric facial recognition.

This is similar to what Google has had in Android for a few years, but is said to be more accurate. I don't personally know any Android users who actually use Google's 2D face unlock feature but it would have likely been removed if absolutely no one used it. I do know some who prefer Samsung's iris scanning feature for unlocking their phone, so it will be interesting to see if there ends up being any interest in this 3D biometric facial recognition feature.

That is, if it ever makes its way into a consumer smartphone. The technology is still in its infancy and it's only being demoed later this week at MWC Shanghai. SoftKinect is a wholly owned Sony subsidiary who produces camera sensor modules for the company. They have teamed up with a software company called KeyLemon and will demo this 3D biometric facial recognition functionality on an Xperia smartphone at the event in Shanghai.

KeyLemon recently spoke about the technology and says they believe that the depth map the sensor creates allows for a secured and convenient authentication method for the user. It's unclear exactly how secure it will be, as we've already seen every biometric authentication method on consumer devices faked so far, though popular spoofing involved 2D replicas that would be ruled out by depth mapping. At the very least, it could be interesting as it could allow for a completely hands-free authentication method. This could be quite useful when you're cooking a meal, or just don't want to touch your phone but need to use it.

Source: TechCrunch

from xda-developers

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