
mardi 27 juin 2017

Google Home is Far More Likely than the Amazon Echo to Answer Your Searches

Voice activated home assistant devices are all the rage right now. At the forefront of this new device war is Amazon's Echo powered by Alexa and the Google Home powered by Google Assistant. A new study decided to test the accuracy of Google Home and Amazon Echo to see which one performs better at searching.

To capture the results, researchers at the New York-based 360i agency developed a program to determine which assistant is better at voice exchanges with humans. The results indicate that the Google Home is six times more likely to answer each question than Amazon's Echo.

Both devices were asked 3,000 questions to determine which one is better at understanding and replying. Google Home outperformed Alexa 6-to-1 in adequately responding to these questions. The excellent result is not that surprising, as Google's search engine is by far the largest and most powerful search engine available on all platforms.

But search accuracy doesn't tell the whole story, and just because the Google Home may be more accurate doesn't mean consumers believe it to be the better product. CBT Nuggets, based in Eugene, OR also performed a set of tests to find out which assistant has the edge in terms of consumer confidence. From their research, we learn that more users are satisfied with Alexa and choose it over Google Assistant. Over half of Echo users are happy with Amazon's assistant. Google Home scored just 46.8 percent of satisfied users. The study also reveals that Alexa handles the environment scenarios better. The Amazon's assistant outperforms Google Assistant in both louder and quiet locations.

The market of virtual assistants is growing. Amazon and Google are the two main competitors, but Apple is rumored to soon join the fray. As each home assistant device improves with new services and features, it's hard to definitively proclaim one or the other to be the king of the field. While the Amazon Echo performs better in certain situations, the Google Home currently provides the best search results. If you're planning to get one, you need to decide what you would like to prioritize.

Source: Adweek Source: CBT Nuggets

from xda-developers

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