
samedi 31 mars 2018

Google app 7.25 beta hints at Google Assistant for Households and email on Google Home, prepares custom routines and search widget

Google app 7.25 beta has started rolling-out to users on the Play Store. The release of version 7.25 of the app comes only a week after the release of version 7.24. As usual, there are no user-facing changes to be found. However, an APK teardown of the app hints at an "Google Assistant for Households" feature. Users may soon be able to have email notifications on the Google Home as well. Also, Google is working on custom routines and a custom search widget. Finally, there are more strings for smart displays that have Google Assistant. Let's take a look at the relevant strings:

An APK teardown can often predict features that may arrive in a future update of an application, but it is possible that any of the features we mention here may not make it in a future release. This is because these features are currently unimplemented in the live build and may be pulled at any time by Google in a future build.

Google Assistant for Households

Currently, Google Assistant is intended for a single user. Users can setup multiple accounts on devices like the Google Home, but the accounts are separated from each other. Google is now developing a shared version of Assistant called "Google Assistant for Households," although its differentiating features are unknown for now. The string notes: "You and your household are a team. Your Google Assistant can now treat you like one, helping you work and play together."

Here are the relevant strings:

  <string name="assistant_settings_household_setup_splash_screen_button_label">Continue</string>  <string name="assistant_settings_household_setup_splash_screen_subtitle">You and your household are a team. Your Google Assistant can now treat you like one, helping you work and play together.</string>  <string name="assistant_settings_household_setup_splash_screen_title">Google Assistant for Households</string>  <string name="assistant_settings_household_title">Your Household</string>  

Email on the Google Home

Google announced that the Google Home would soon add notifications for reminders, flight updates, and traffic updates back at I/O 2017. Strings in version 7.25 beta of the Google app show that "personal results" will allow users' voice to get their email, calendar, help with payments, and more on their device. The functionality of email on Google Home isn't detailed, but it will likely include notifications. Here are the relevant strings:

  <string name="personal_results_action_button">Turn on</string>  <string name="personal_results_cancel_button">No Thanks</string>  <string name="personal_results_explanation">"Voice Match is set up on your Assistant speaker. Now you can turn on personal results so you can use your voice to get your email, calendar, help with payments, and more on this device. You can turn off personal results in Assistant settings."</string>  <string name="personal_results_title">Get personal results with Voice Match</string>  

Custom routines in Google Assistant

Routines in Google Assistant finally launched a few weeks ago. However, custom routines still haven't been enabled. New strings in Google app 7.25 beta show that users will be able to change the order of actions in a particular custom routine. Here are the strings for the same:

  <string name="user_defined_action_reorder_description">Drag to change the order of actions in this routine.</string>  <string name="user_defined_action_reorder_title">Change order</string>  

Custom search widget

Previous Google app versions have hinted that Google is developing a custom search widget that allows users to edit its appearance. Strings in version 7.25 beta of the Google app indicate that this feature is close to launch, as they detail how users will able to customize the search widget. When the feature goes live, users will need to go to Google App menu > Customize widget, or Google App settings > Widget > Customize your widget. Here are the relevant strings:

  <string name="swc_drawer_content">Go to Google App menu > Customize widget</string>  <string name="swc_settings_content">Go to Google App settings > Widget > Customize your widget</string>  <string name="customize_feed">Customize Feed</string>  <string name="customize_widget_summary">Edit the appearance of your homescreen search widget</string>  <string name="customize_widget_title">Customize your widget</string>  

Analytics in the alpha and beta channels

A new description for the alpha and beta channels notes that by being invited to try new features before they are publicly available, you as a user permit the developer to identify you and your use of the app "in some cases". Here is the relevant string:

  <string name="alpha_beta_channel_close_channel_description">"You've been invited to try new features before they're publicly available. By proceeding you are agreeing that the developer can identify you and your use of the app in some cases."</string>  

Google Assistant smart displays get new functionality

Quartz is the code-name for the software platform that powers smart displays which have the Google Assistant. They have been receiving feature additions with new versions of the Google app, and version 7.25 beta is no exception. They can now see images of restaurants, map of restaurants, as well as interior street view and panorama of restaurants. There are new strings about its shopping functionality.

  <string name="quartz_local_place_detail_image_tile_content_description">Images of the restaurant</string>  <string name="quartz_local_place_detail_map_tile_content_description">Map of the restaurant</string>  <string name="quartz_local_place_detail_street_view_tile_content_description">Interior street view panorama of the restaurant</string>  <string name="quartz_meals_home_background_image_description">quartz_meals_home_background_image_description</string>  <string name="quartz_meals_home_recipe_site_icon_description">quartz_meals_home_recipe_site_icon_description</string>  <string name="quartz_shopping_cart_quantity">%s items</string>  

Google (Free, Google Play) →

Let us know in the comments if you spot anything new in the app update, and follow our APK Teardown tag for more articles like this!

from xda-developers

Google app 7.25 beta hints at Google Assistant for Households and email on Google Home, prepares custom routines and search widget

Google app 7.25 beta has started rolling-out to users on the Play Store. The release of version 7.25 of the app comes only a week after the release of version 7.24. As usual, there are no user-facing changes to be found. However, an APK teardown of the app hints at an “Google Assistant for Households” feature. Users may soon be able to have email notifications on the Google Home as well. Also, Google is working on custom routines and a custom search widget. Finally, there are more strings for smart displays that have Google Assistant. Let’s take a look at the relevant strings:

An APK teardown can often predict features that may arrive in a future update of an application, but it is possible that any of the features we mention here may not make it in a future release. This is because these features are currently unimplemented in the live build and may be pulled at any time by Google in a future build.

Google Assistant for Households

Currently, Google Assistant is intended for a single user. Users can setup multiple accounts on devices like the Google Home, but the accounts are separated from each other. Google is now developing a shared version of Assistant called “Google Assistant for Households,” although its differentiating features are unknown for now. The string notes: “You and your household are a team. Your Google Assistant can now treat you like one, helping you work and play together.”

Here are the relevant strings:

<string name="assistant_settings_household_setup_splash_screen_button_label”>Continue</string>
<string name="assistant_settings_household_setup_splash_screen_subtitle”>You and your household are a team. Your Google Assistant can now treat you like one, helping you work and play together.</string>
<string name="assistant_settings_household_setup_splash_screen_title”>Google Assistant for Households</string>
<string name="assistant_settings_household_title”>Your Household</string>

Email on the Google Home

Google announced that the Google Home would soon add notifications for reminders, flight updates, and traffic updates back at I/O 2017. Strings in version 7.25 beta of the Google app show that “personal results” will allow users’ voice to get their email, calendar, help with payments, and more on their device. The functionality of email on Google Home isn’t detailed, but it will likely include notifications. Here are the relevant strings:

<string name="personal_results_action_button”>Turn on</string>
<string name="personal_results_cancel_button”>No Thanks</string>
<string name="personal_results_explanation”>"Voice Match is set up on your Assistant speaker. Now you can turn on personal results so you can use your voice to get your email, calendar, help with payments, and more on this device. You can turn off personal results in Assistant settings.”</string>
<string name="personal_results_title”>Get personal results with Voice Match</string>

Custom routines in Google Assistant

Routines in Google Assistant finally launched a few weeks ago. However, custom routines still haven’t been enabled. New strings in Google app 7.25 beta show that users will be able to change the order of actions in a particular custom routine. Here are the strings for the same:

<string name="user_defined_action_reorder_description”>Drag to change the order of actions in this routine.</string>
<string name="user_defined_action_reorder_title”>Change order</string>

Custom search widget

Previous Google app versions have hinted that Google is developing a custom search widget that allows users to edit its appearance. Strings in version 7.25 beta of the Google app indicate that this feature is close to launch, as they detail how users will able to customize the search widget. When the feature goes live, users will need to go to Google App menu > Customize widget, or Google App settings > Widget > Customize your widget. Here are the relevant strings:

<string name="swc_drawer_content”>Go to Google App menu > Customize widget</string>
<string name="swc_settings_content”>Go to Google App settings > Widget > Customize your widget</string>
<string name="customize_feed”>Customize Feed</string>
<string name="customize_widget_summary”>Edit the appearance of your homescreen search widget</string>
<string name="customize_widget_title”>Customize your widget</string>

Analytics in the alpha and beta channels

A new description for the alpha and beta channels notes that by being invited to try new features before they are publicly available, you as a user permit the developer to identify you and your use of the app “in some cases”. Here is the relevant string:

<string name="alpha_beta_channel_close_channel_description”>”You’ve been invited to try new features before they’re publicly available. By proceeding you are agreeing that the developer can identify you and your use of the app in some cases.”</string>

Google Assistant smart displays get new functionality

Quartz is the code-name for the software platform that powers smart displays which have the Google Assistant. They have been receiving feature additions with new versions of the Google app, and version 7.25 beta is no exception. They can now see images of restaurants, map of restaurants, as well as interior street view and panorama of restaurants. There are new strings about its shopping functionality.

<string name="quartz_local_place_detail_image_tile_content_description”>Images of the restaurant</string>
<string name="quartz_local_place_detail_map_tile_content_description”>Map of the restaurant</string>
<string name="quartz_local_place_detail_street_view_tile_content_description”>Interior street view panorama of the restaurant</string>
<string name=”quartz_meals_home_background_image_description”>quartz_meals_home_background_image_description</string>
<string name=”quartz_meals_home_recipe_site_icon_description”>quartz_meals_home_recipe_site_icon_description</string>
<string name=”quartz_shopping_cart_quantity”>%s items</string>

Google (Free, Google Play) →

Let us know in the comments if you spot anything new in the app update, and follow our APK Teardown tag for more articles like this!

from xda-developers

Would you buy a phone with a notch if you could hide the notch?

The controversial display notch is set to become mainstream this year. The Essential Phone was the first to pack in a small display notch (cutout), but Apple popularized it with a much bigger notch in the iPhone X. 2017 heralded the advent of taller 18:9 displays, and this year, device makers are interested in increasing the screen-to-body ratios of their phones even more.

Screen-to-body ratios of flagship smartphones reached more than 80 percent in 2017. This year, device makers are using the display cutout (that is now officially supported in Android P) to get screen-to-body ratios of around 90 percent. Device vendors can choose from either having symmetrical bezels at the top and bottom (such as on the Samsung Galaxy S9), or have a notch at the top of the display with a bottom chin. It seems that the bottom chin will continue to exist on new Android phones for the near future.

Other solutions include asymmetrical bezels and the front camera being placed on the bottom, as seen on the Xiaomi Mi Mix 2 and the Mi Mix 2S. Vivo is developing something different by choosing to have an elevating front camera in the upcoming Vivo Apex.

This year, we have already seen the ASUS ZenFone 5 and ZenFone 5Z, new Oppo and Vivo phones, and the Huawei P20/P20 Pro/P20 Lite adopt the display notch. The upcoming OnePlus 6 is now confirmed to have a notch, and it is very likely that the Xiaomi Mi 7 and the LG G7 will opt for it as well. OnePlus has explained their rationale for adopting the notch in their upcoming flagship, as the company states that having a notch increases display screen real estate.

Huawei P20 Notch Huawei P20 Hide Notch

The case of the Huawei P20 series is different. We have known for a long time that the phones will have the notch, but the surprising thing turned out to be the fact that Huawei allows users to hide it. Users of the devices can enable the "hide notch" option, which will introduce a black background for the notch's "ears". This can also improve the media playback experience as the video content will no longer get cut off in the video crop mode.

OnePlus has also stated that the OnePlus 6's notch will not interfere with video playback. When a video is being played, the notch will be hidden with a black bar, which ensures that video content will not get cut off by the notch.

Do you think the "hide notch" option in the Huawei P20 will improve its user experience? Also, would you prefer having an option to disable the notch in new and upcoming phones that have the notch? To how much extent will the option affect your purchase decision? Ultimately, would you buy a phone with a notch if you could hide it? Let us know in the comments below.

from xda-developers

Tackle DevOps and Cloud Computing with this Comprehensive Training

Most people know that technology is one of the most lucrative and dynamic fields in which to work. Yet, surprisingly few people understand just how important the subfield of DevOps is to this thriving industry. An engineering practice that unifies software development and operation, DevOps is one of the primary driving forces behind the creation and release of the world's most powerful software.

The DevOps with Cloud Computing Bundle will outfit you with the skills you need to become a DevOps professional while introducing you to the fundamentals of cloud computing—another thriving subfield of tech—for $32.

With six courses and over 260 lessons, this bundle is ideal for anyone who's looking to either supplement their existing tech knowledge or begin down the path toward an entirely new career. You'll learn how to streamline and automate practically every facet of the software development process, work with powerful cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), take advantage of increasingly popular programs like Microsoft Azure and Docker, and much more.

There's even a course dedicated to helping you gain the AWS Solutions Architect certification—a valuable credential that proves you have what it takes to work with one of the most ubiquitous cloud platforms on earth.

You can take the first step toward bolstering your tech understanding with the DevOps with Cloud Computing Bundle—on sale for over 90% off at just $32

from xda-developers

Would you buy a phone with a notch if you could hide the notch?

The controversial display notch is set to become mainstream this year. The Essential Phone was the first to pack in a small display notch (cutout), but Apple popularized it with a much bigger notch in the iPhone X. 2017 heralded the advent of taller 18:9 displays, and this year, device makers are interested in increasing the screen-to-body ratios of their phones even more.

Screen-to-body ratios of flagship smartphones reached more than 80 percent in 2017. This year, device makers are using the display cutout (that is now officially supported in Android P) to get screen-to-body ratios of around 90 percent. Device vendors can choose from either having symmetrical bezels at the top and bottom (such as on the Samsung Galaxy S9), or have a notch at the top of the display with a bottom chin. It seems that the bottom chin will continue to exist on new Android phones for the near future.

Other solutions include asymmetrical bezels and the front camera being placed on the bottom, as seen on the Xiaomi Mi Mix 2 and the Mi Mix 2S. Vivo is developing something different by choosing to have an elevating front camera in the upcoming Vivo Apex.

This year, we have already seen the ASUS ZenFone 5 and ZenFone 5Z, new Oppo and Vivo phones, and the Huawei P20/P20 Pro/P20 Lite adopt the display notch. The upcoming OnePlus 6 is now confirmed to have a notch, and it is very likely that the Xiaomi Mi 7 and the LG G7 will opt for it as well. OnePlus has explained their rationale for adopting the notch in their upcoming flagship, as the company states that having a notch increases display screen real estate.

Huawei P20 Notch Huawei P20 Hide Notch

The case of the Huawei P20 series is different. We have known for a long time that the phones will have the notch, but the surprising thing turned out to be the fact that Huawei allows users to hide it. Users of the devices can enable the “hide notch” option, which will introduce a black background for the notch’s “ears”. This can also improve the media playback experience as the video content will no longer get cut off in the video crop mode.

OnePlus has also stated that the OnePlus 6’s notch will not interfere with video playback. When a video is being played, the notch will be hidden with a black bar, which ensures that video content will not get cut off by the notch.

Do you think the “hide notch” option in the Huawei P20 will improve its user experience? Also, would you prefer having an option to disable the notch in new and upcoming phones that have the notch? To how much extent will the option affect your purchase decision? Ultimately, would you buy a phone with a notch if you could hide it? Let us know in the comments below.

from xda-developers

Tackle DevOps and Cloud Computing with this Comprehensive Training

Most people know that technology is one of the most lucrative and dynamic fields in which to work. Yet, surprisingly few people understand just how important the subfield of DevOps is to this thriving industry. An engineering practice that unifies software development and operation, DevOps is one of the primary driving forces behind the creation and release of the world’s most powerful software.

The DevOps with Cloud Computing Bundle will outfit you with the skills you need to become a DevOps professional while introducing you to the fundamentals of cloud computing—another thriving subfield of tech—for $32.

With six courses and over 260 lessons, this bundle is ideal for anyone who’s looking to either supplement their existing tech knowledge or begin down the path toward an entirely new career. You’ll learn how to streamline and automate practically every facet of the software development process, work with powerful cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), take advantage of increasingly popular programs like Microsoft Azure and Docker, and much more.

There’s even a course dedicated to helping you gain the AWS Solutions Architect certification—a valuable credential that proves you have what it takes to work with one of the most ubiquitous cloud platforms on earth.

You can take the first step toward bolstering your tech understanding with the DevOps with Cloud Computing Bundle—on sale for over 90% off at just $32

from xda-developers

vendredi 30 mars 2018

Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 MIUI 9.5 Global ROM now rolling out in India

Xiaomi announced the global version of MIUI 9 back in November. The company began rolling-out the MIUI 9 Global Stable update to its devices in the same month, starting with the Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 Snapdragon variant. In January, the company released the MIUI 9.2 update for supported devices with new Mi Video and Mi Drop apps. Then, a few weeks ago, Xiaomi India Managing Director Manu Kumar Jain stated that the MIUI 9 update was now available for all supported Xiaomi India smartphones, going all the way to nearly four-year-old devices such as the Xiaomi Redmi 1s and the Mi 3.

Last week, Xiaomi started rolling-out the MIUI 9.5 Global Stable update to the Redmi Note 4X (which is the Qualcomm Snapdragon variant of the Redmi Note 4), the Redmi Note 3 Qualcomm Snapdragon variant, the Xiaomi Mi Max and Mi Max Prime. The MIUI 9.5 Global Stable update is an important update as it finally brings notifications in MIUI in line with stock Android for Android 7.0+ devices. It brings features such as in-line replies, one-finger gesture to expand notifications, and bundled notifications.

Now, the company has released the MIUI 9.5 Global Stable ROM for the Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 in India. As a reminder, the Redmi Note 5 in India is a re-brand of the Redmi 5 Plus in China. It should not be confused with the Redmi Note 5 Pro in India, which has upgraded specifications. To add even more confusion, a slightly different variant of the Indian Redmi Note 5 Pro is sold as the Redmi Note 5 in China.

The Indian Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 has a decent list of specifications including the Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 system-on-chip, 3GB/4GB of RAM paired with 32GB/64GB of storage, 6-inch Full HD+ (2160×1080) 18:9 IPS display, 12MP rear camera, 5MP front camera, and a 4000mAh battery. The phone is powered by MIUI 9 on top of Android 7.1 Nougat. Details about an Android Oreo update haven't been revealed yet.

The MIUI update for the Indian Redmi Note 5 brings many bug fixes, an optimized browser kernel, sound recording options for the screen recorder app, quick search options, revamped start page, the option to resume interrupted transfers in the Mi Mover app without starting over, and more. The full changelog is detailed below:


New – Resume interrupted transfers in Mi Mover without starting over (11-30)
New – Revamped start page and optimized performance (12-05)
New – Quick search options (12-05)
New – Adjusted the position of the search bar (12-05)
New – Optimized Browser's kernel (12-05)
New – Transfer apps with or without app data using Mi Mover (12-20)
New – Sound recording options for Screen recorder (01-12)
Optimization – New format for floating notifications in the landscape mode (Full screen display) (01-11)

Optimization – New format for floating notifications in the landscape mode (Full screen display) (01-11)
Fix – System launcher keept stopping after adding or opening widgets after the update to 7.11.10 (11-17)
Fix – Settings force closed when apps were installed (12-05)

New – Press and hold a button on the dial pad to quick dial a number (01-09)

Lockscreen, Status Bar, Notification Bar
Optimization – Improved TalkBack in the notification shade (11-21)
Optimization – Improved Bluetooth switch responsiveness (11-21)
Optimization – Second confirmation for turning on Demo mode (12-26)

Home screen
Fix – System launcher stops working after update to 7.12.1 (12-06)

Optimization – Adjustments for theme details (11-17)
Fix – Home screen wasn't displayed correctly after switching back to default theme (12-14)

New – Add photos to favorites (01-02)
New – Optimize local storage to free up space (01-16)
Optimization – You can select custom covers for albums with people (12-07)
Optimization – Automatic downloads for photos from Mi Cloud (12-07)
Fix – Couldn't crop scrolling screenshots (11-23)

New – Resume interrupted transfers in Mi Mover without starting over (11-30)
New – Transfer apps with or without app data using Mi Mover (12-20)

Screen Recorder
New – Sound recording options for Screen recorder (01-12)

Mi Apps
New – Add the must-have recommendations for new users (01-11)
Optimization – Brand new homepage of Mi Apps with visual and UI effect highly enhanced (01-09)
Fix – Issues with screenshots in landscape mode (12-13)

New – Revamped start page and optimized performance (12-05)
New – Quick search options (12-05)
New – Adjusted the position of the search bar (12-05)
New – Optimized Browser's kernel (12-05)

Fix – Security center FC when 'Installed app' is selected in 'Settings' (12-06)

Mi Wallet
Optimization – Better page guide in the Accessibility mode (11-22)

The ROM can be flashed via recovery (with a download size of 1.4GB) or fastboot (which has a download size of 2GB). It's expected to arrive to all Indian Redmi Note 5 users in the coming days.

Source: Xiaomi

from xda-developers

Rootless Pixel Launcher 3.4 released with large tablet support, Android for Work features, adds Android Go optimized version, and more

Pixel Launcher was launched in 2016 alongside the Google Pixel and the Pixel XL. Officially, the launcher is only supported on Google Nexus and Pixel devices, but its APK can be installed on many other devices. However, the problem is that the Google feed panel on the leftmost screen does not work if the launcher has been installed on an unsupported device. To solve this problem, a developer named Amir Zaidi ported Pixel Launcher features to the AOSP launcher (Launcher3).

The developer repeated his work when he released Rootless Pixel Launcher 3.0 with the Google feed panel and features from the Google Pixel 2's updated Pixel Launcher. XDA Senior Member paphonb has also released a rootless Pixel Launcher, but the difference between the two ports is that Amir has ported Pixel Launcher features to Launcher3 from AOSP, instead of basing the launcher on the original Pixel Launcher APK.

The different implementation means that new features can be easily implemented in Amir Zaidi's port. The developer also included a large list of extra features with the Rootless Pixel Launcher 3.0.

Now, Amir has released Rootless Pixel Launcher 3.4 (which has been in testing for a month) with a big list of bug fixes. Notably, the version update brings big tablet screen support with bigger icons and a search bar, using the Pixel C profile. Android for Work is now supported for app hiding, enabling or disabling icon packs, and app search. There is also a special Android Go version which can be built using Android Studio, or using a custom ROM build script. The developer mentions that app predictions will "switch around less often," and the default home screen setup now has the same setup as the real Pixel Launcher. Also, if there is no Google app installed on the system but Google Go is found, users can initiate Google Go search by clicking on the search bar.

The full changelog is detailed below:



  • Big tablet screen support is added with bigger icons and a search bar, using the Pixel C profile
  • Microphone icon shows under the same conditions as the real Pixel Launcher: when Now on Tap is in use
  • When no Google App is installed but Google Go is found, its search will be launched when clicking the search bar
  • Accents are stripped from searches, so it is easier to search for apps in the app drawer
  • Widgets can be resized in any direction where their size is bigger than 1 on the grid
  • App predictions will switch around less often
  • The default home screen setup reflects the real Pixel Launcher's setup now: Phone, Messages, Gmail, Store, Browser, Camera
  • Android Work is supported for app hiding, icon packs enabling/disabling and app search
  • At A Glance texts are updated to the 8.1 versions
  • On Lollipop, the app drawer status bar gets a slightly darker background to make it easier to see the white icons
  • Build tools are updated for slightly better performance when building
  • The Android Go version can be built using Android Studio, or using a custom ROM build script

Bug fixes

  • Searching for apps when almost all apps are hidden does not result in a crash
  • Folders in the hotseat close properly when dragging an icon out and then hover over it for a split second
  • Backported app shortcuts (before 7.1) only show when the shortcut really works
  • Backported app shortcuts can be put on the homescreen without disappearing
  • Opening the app drawer always fades out the home screen, even while switching pages
  • The keyboard immediately closes when sliding down the app drawer search
  • The keyboard closes on Lollipop when dragging an icon from search
  • When clicking the search bar when no Google apps and no browsers are installed, a message 'App is not installed' will be shown
  • The Google Feed cannot be opened from the top left of the app drawer
  • Folders don't cause all apps to be warped to the top left of the screen when long pressing an app in them
  • Live wallpapers can't make the theme selection algorithm crash
  • The app drawer won't glitch out when pressing the home button while dragging it up or down
  • The app drawer won't disappear when visiting recents while dragging it up or down
  • Icons in icon packs won't be temporarily glitched out during an update
  • The keyboard hides when pressing search while the search bar is empty
  • App predictions are enabled without having to open the settings first
  • An user account with all apps disabled won't cause the app drawer for other accounts to become empty
  • Launching hidden apps won't count for the app suggestions algorithm
  • Enabling/disabling the icon pack for hidden apps will immediately show the result
  • Apps with multiple launcher shortcuts show the correct icon for each shortcut (ex. XDA Labs)

The developer warns that recent versions of the Google app have been breaking random features such as the Google feed. To avoid things being broken, he advises users to get the 7.22 stable release. Duplicate app suggestions may now be shown as a side effect of adding Android Work compatibility, but users can permanently fix this by disabling and enabling their app suggestions in the launcher settings. Similarly, users will need to re-hide the apps they want hidden as hiding needed a storage change. Finally, the developer notes that recent Huawei phones seem to crash on launch when the user hasn't given storage permissions to the launcher. If this happens, users are advised to grant permissions manually by heading into settings.

Users can download Rootless Pixel Launcher 3.4 from Github. Google Pixel users have to flash the "Rootless Pixel Launcher" Magisk module that is present in the official repository. The launcher's sources are available here.

Source: /u/AmirZ

from xda-developers

Rootless Pixel Launcher 3.4 released with large tablet support, Android for Work features, adds Android Go optimized version, and more

Pixel Launcher was launched in 2016 alongside the Google Pixel and the Pixel XL. Officially, the launcher is only supported on Google Nexus and Pixel devices, but its APK can be installed on many other devices. However, the problem is that the Google feed panel on the leftmost screen does not work if the launcher has been installed on an unsupported device. To solve this problem, a developer named Amir Zaidi ported Pixel Launcher features to the AOSP launcher (Launcher3).

The developer repeated his work when he released Rootless Pixel Launcher 3.0 with the Google feed panel and features from the Google Pixel 2’s updated Pixel Launcher. XDA Senior Member paphonb has also released a rootless Pixel Launcher, but the difference between the two ports is that Amir has ported Pixel Launcher features to Launcher3 from AOSP, instead of basing the launcher on the original Pixel Launcher APK.

The different implementation means that new features can be easily implemented in Amir Zaidi’s port. The developer also included a large list of extra features with the Rootless Pixel Launcher 3.0.

Now, Amir has released Rootless Pixel Launcher 3.4 (which has been in testing for a month) with a big list of bug fixes. Notably, the version update brings big tablet screen support with bigger icons and a search bar, using the Pixel C profile. Android for Work is now supported for app hiding, enabling or disabling icon packs, and app search. There is also a special Android Go version which can be built using Android Studio, or using a custom ROM build script. The developer mentions that app predictions will “switch around less often,” and the default home screen setup now has the same setup as the real Pixel Launcher. Also, if there is no Google app installed on the system but Google Go is found, users can initiate Google Go search by clicking on the search bar.

The full changelog is detailed below:



  • Big tablet screen support is added with bigger icons and a search bar, using the Pixel C profile
  • Microphone icon shows under the same conditions as the real Pixel Launcher: when Now on Tap is in use
  • When no Google App is installed but Google Go is found, its search will be launched when clicking the search bar
  • Accents are stripped from searches, so it is easier to search for apps in the app drawer
  • Widgets can be resized in any direction where their size is bigger than 1 on the grid
  • App predictions will switch around less often
  • The default home screen setup reflects the real Pixel Launcher’s setup now: Phone, Messages, Gmail, Store, Browser, Camera
  • Android Work is supported for app hiding, icon packs enabling/disabling and app search
  • At A Glance texts are updated to the 8.1 versions
  • On Lollipop, the app drawer status bar gets a slightly darker background to make it easier to see the white icons
  • Build tools are updated for slightly better performance when building
  • The Android Go version can be built using Android Studio, or using a custom ROM build script

Bug fixes

  • Searching for apps when almost all apps are hidden does not result in a crash
  • Folders in the hotseat close properly when dragging an icon out and then hover over it for a split second
  • Backported app shortcuts (before 7.1) only show when the shortcut really works
  • Backported app shortcuts can be put on the homescreen without disappearing
  • Opening the app drawer always fades out the home screen, even while switching pages
  • The keyboard immediately closes when sliding down the app drawer search
  • The keyboard closes on Lollipop when dragging an icon from search
  • When clicking the search bar when no Google apps and no browsers are installed, a message ‘App is not installed’ will be shown
  • The Google Feed cannot be opened from the top left of the app drawer
  • Folders don’t cause all apps to be warped to the top left of the screen when long pressing an app in them
  • Live wallpapers can’t make the theme selection algorithm crash
  • The app drawer won’t glitch out when pressing the home button while dragging it up or down
  • The app drawer won’t disappear when visiting recents while dragging it up or down
  • Icons in icon packs won’t be temporarily glitched out during an update
  • The keyboard hides when pressing search while the search bar is empty
  • App predictions are enabled without having to open the settings first
  • An user account with all apps disabled won’t cause the app drawer for other accounts to become empty
  • Launching hidden apps won’t count for the app suggestions algorithm
  • Enabling/disabling the icon pack for hidden apps will immediately show the result
  • Apps with multiple launcher shortcuts show the correct icon for each shortcut (ex. XDA Labs)

The developer warns that recent versions of the Google app have been breaking random features such as the Google feed. To avoid things being broken, he advises users to get the 7.22 stable release. Duplicate app suggestions may now be shown as a side effect of adding Android Work compatibility, but users can permanently fix this by disabling and enabling their app suggestions in the launcher settings. Similarly, users will need to re-hide the apps they want hidden as hiding needed a storage change. Finally, the developer notes that recent Huawei phones seem to crash on launch when the user hasn’t given storage permissions to the launcher. If this happens, users are advised to grant permissions manually by heading into settings.

Users can download Rootless Pixel Launcher 3.4 from Github. Google Pixel users have to flash the “Rootless Pixel Launcher” Magisk module that is present in the official repository. The launcher’s sources are available here.

Source: /u/AmirZ

from xda-developers

Hands-on with the SolidSuit Case from RhinoShield

While RhinoShield has been known for making some of the best bumper cases with their CrashGaurd series, they now offer some fantastic cases with full-cover protection. The SolidSuit cases are now available for the Galaxy S9 and feature the same honeycomb structure for maximum impact protection. The material is incredibly durable and very hard to break.

The SolidSuit case is super light weight at under 30 grams. The stain resistant coating with keep your case spotless. There are several premium finishes that you can choose from depending on your personal style.




Modular Lenses

RhinoShield offers four different types of lenses that are compatible for the SolidSuit case for the Pixel2 and Pixel 2 XL: 0.6X HD Wide Angle, Super Wide, Wide + Macro and Fisheye. Each lens comes with a lens cap that helps prevent dust and scratches when it’s not being used, plus a little carrying pouch. With most smartphone lens kits you’ll get at least some interference from the edges of the lens which end up blocking out the corners of your photos. You wont find that on the RhinoShield lenses, as they’re plenty big enough for your Pixel phone.

Right now the lenses are not officially compatible with the Galaxy S9 and S9+, but RhinoShield hopes to make them compatible in the future.

Galaxy S9 with the SolidSuit Case

Pixel 2 with the SolidSuit Case

SolidSuit cases for S9 SolidSuit cases for S9+ SolidSuit case for Pixel 2 XL SolidSuit case for Pixel 2
We thank RhinoShield for sponsoring this post. Our sponsors help us pay for the many costs associated with running XDA, including server costs, full time developers, news writers, and much more. While you might see sponsored content (which will always be labeled as such) alongside Portal content, the Portal team is in no way responsible for these posts. Sponsored content, advertising and XDA Depot are managed by a separate team entirely. XDA will never compromise its journalistic integrity by accepting money to write favorably about a company, or alter our opinions or views in any way. Our opinion cannot be bought.

from xda-developers

Hands-on with the SolidSuit Case from RhinoShield

While RhinoShield has been known for making some of the best bumper cases with their CrashGaurd series, they now offer some fantastic cases with full-cover protection. The SolidSuit cases are now available for the Galaxy S9 and feature the same honeycomb structure for maximum impact protection. The material is incredibly durable and very hard to break.

The SolidSuit case is super light weight at under 30 grams. The stain resistant coating with keep your case spotless. There are several premium finishes that you can choose from depending on your personal style.




Modular Lenses

RhinoShield offers four different types of lenses that are compatible for the SolidSuit case for the Pixel2 and Pixel 2 XL: 0.6X HD Wide Angle, Super Wide, Wide + Macro and Fisheye. Each lens comes with a lens cap that helps prevent dust and scratches when it's not being used, plus a little carrying pouch. With most smartphone lens kits you'll get at least some interference from the edges of the lens which end up blocking out the corners of your photos. You wont find that on the RhinoShield lenses, as they're plenty big enough for your Pixel phone.

Right now the lenses are not officially compatible with the Galaxy S9 and S9+, but RhinoShield hopes to make them compatible in the future.

Galaxy S9 with the SolidSuit Case

Pixel 2 with the SolidSuit Case

SolidSuit cases for S9 SolidSuit cases for S9+ SolidSuit case for Pixel 2 XL SolidSuit case for Pixel 2
We thank RhinoShield for sponsoring this post. Our sponsors help us pay for the many costs associated with running XDA, including server costs, full time developers, news writers, and much more. While you might see sponsored content (which will always be labeled as such) alongside Portal content, the Portal team is in no way responsible for these posts. Sponsored content, advertising and XDA Depot are managed by a separate team entirely. XDA will never compromise its journalistic integrity by accepting money to write favorably about a company, or alter our opinions or views in any way. Our opinion cannot be bought.

from xda-developers

Huawei isn’t giving up on the US, but its troubles could hurt Oppo’s ambitions

The last few months have been tumultuous for Huawei. The company is the world’s third largest smartphone vendor, but it has negligible presence in the US smartphone market. The Huawei Mate 10 Pro was supposed to launch on AT&T as part of Huawei’s entry into the US carrier space, but plans to release the smartphone on AT&T’s network were abruptly cancelled at the last moment. The reason was said to be political pressure being piled on AT&T. Huawei’s smartphones were alleged to be a “security risk'” through “spying”, but as no proof was provided for these allegations, they must be assumed to be baseless (more on this below).

The Mate 10 Pro did launch as an unlocked smartphone in the US, but that doesn’t mean much in a market where most consumers prefer to buy smartphones from carriers. Huawei’s chances in the US smartphone market were already crippled with AT&T’s dramatic U-turn (and Verizon reportedly following soon after AT&T). They were downgraded even more last week when news reports stated that Best Buy would stop stocking Huawei phones.

Huawei CEO Richard Yu personally decried the state of the US smartphone market in a speech at CES. This week, the company launched the P20 and P20 Pro, two flagship smartphones that are credible challengers to the Samsung Galaxy S9 as well as the Google Pixel 2. The phones will be shortly available in Europe (the P20 is already available) and are even said to arrive soon in India. But they won’t make their way to the US.

Despite these series of setbacks, the CEO of Huawei’s consumer business group, Richard Yu, told CNET that Huawei isn’t pulling out of the US. “We are committed to the US market and to earning the trust of US consumers by staying focused on delivering world-class products and innovation,” Mr. Yu told CNET. “We would never compromise that trust.”

CNET notes that Huawei has increasingly come under fire from the US government.

At this point, we should press the pause button and ask if any evidence exists for Huawei’s alleged spying for its home country’s government. If so, why has it not been released? Unless and until we see credible proof, we have to make it clear that the reasons for the allegations are protectionism, nothing more.

Mr. Yu has strongly denied allegations of ‘security risks”. “The security risk concerns are based on groundless suspicions and are quite frankly unfair,” he said. “We welcome an open and transparent discussion if it is based on facts.” The company works with 46 of the top 50 global operators, according to him, and the company has maintained a strong security record because security is one of its top priorities. He added that the company also employs more than 1000 people in 13 US offices.

Mr. Yu stated that even without the US market, Huawei would be the world’s largest smartphone vendor. Financially, it’s doing well, with net profit rising by 28.1 percent in 2017 compared to 2016. Phone shipments reached 153 million last year, with revenue rising 32 percent from 2016.

However, entering the US market does undeniably help the brand image. The US also remains the second largest smartphone market by some metrics. “We recognize we are not a known brand in the US and we need to build our brand here,” Mr. Yu said. “Our first step is to win the trust of consumers.”

Let’s take a look at the US smartphone market in brief. At this point, the US smartphone market is effectively a duopoly, with Apple and Samsung dominating smartphone shipments, market share, brand loyalty, and more. There is no third alternative to Apple and Samsung, as LG and Motorola continue to languish, while Google’s Pixel phones are slowly climbing. Unlocked phones like OnePlus devices are a small niche in the market, and the vast majority of smartphone purchases are made via carriers, not by purchasing unlocked phones at the full retail price.

This is in stark contrast to other smartphone markets. To give an example, the Indian smartphone market is essentially the opposite of the US market. Phones are purchased at the full retail price either online or through offline retailers or the OEM’s own stores, with carriers not being involved in the purchase process. This also means that the market is competitive, with Xiaomi managing to overtake Samsung in shipments in just three years. Oppo and Vivo being the third and fourth largest smartphone vendors in India.

Now, Huawei’s troubles may affect the ambitions of another Chinese smartphone vendor. Oppo is in the world’s top five list of smartphone vendors, but it’s officially available only in 31 markets, not including Europe or North America. The reason why it hasn’t entered the US market yet? That’s because of the ongoing saga between Huawei and the US government. Oppo told AndroidHeadlines that it likely won’t be coming to the US while the current US administration is running things.

AndroidHeadlines stated that it’s not just Huawei’s troubles that are affecting Oppo’s ambitions. Broadcom’s hostile proposed deal to acquire Qualcomm was blocked by the White House. The decision sets a precedent and creates ramifications for expansions of Chinese companies in the future.

The report notes that the current US administration has also taken a hard line on China in recent months. In addition to the aforementioned decisions, the administration has imposed tariffs on China, making the US a hostile place for Chinese companies like Oppo to expand to. This doesn’t affect only Oppo, but also a vast majority of other Chinese smartphone vendors. It’s worth noting that Xiaomi has been biding its time when it comes to entering the US market. AndroidHeadlines also noted that despite multiple investigations, no proof has ever been found that Huawei spies on its users.

There is also the second reason why Chinese phones have a stigma in the US of being cheap, poorly made “iPhone knockoffs.” Some US consumers now believe that every Chinese smartphone spies on them (which is decidedly false), and this has affected China-based smartphone brands on a global level. It’s almost needless to note at this point that the stigma which US consumers have about Chinese smartphones is false. Many Chinese phones do take inspiration from the iPhone, but that trend is only true to a certain extent. Android phones made by Chinese smartphone vendors generally have a better price-to-performance ratio, and many (such as Xiaomi devices) are renowned for having great performance and long battery life. But the stigma acts as a barrier for Oppo in the context of a potential US expansion, according to AndroidHeadlines.

Finally, Oppo confirmed to the publication that the company was still planning to expand this year, as it will arrive back in Europe in 2018. Specific countries were not mentioned, though.

Our view: It’s hard to read the above stories without responding with the word: “protectionism.” Chinese smartphones are being blocked in the US smartphone market without any good reasons. In our view, US consumers are the worst-hit in the ongoing saga. The US smartphone market is now effectively a duopoly instead of being a competitive market.

This means that Chinese smartphone vendors don’t have a motivation to enter the country with phones that have a great price-to-performance ratio. It also implies that flagship smartphone prices may continue to increase in the near future as Apple and Samsung continue to face no competition. The budget US smartphone market is already inferior to the Indian smartphone market, for example. If such events continue, the effects may start being felt in the flagship smartphone market as well, which would be a hard loss to swallow.

Source 1: CNETSource 2: AndroidHeadlines

from xda-developers

Pixel Launcher mod with new Google Pixel 3 search bar now available

Yesterday, we broke the story about a redesigned Google Search bar that may eventually be in the Pixel 3 Launcher. The design change is pretty simple. The current style is an elongated pill-shape with the Google and mic icons on opposite ends. The new Pixel Launcher style is essentially the same thing, but there's a break that separates the mic icon. This new style is found on the home screen and in the app drawer.

The reception to this new look has not been super positive. A lot of people see it as a change just for the sake of change. There are also a lot of people that like the look and love to have the bleeding edge on their device. Thanks to the work of XDA Senior Member paphonb, you can get the look on your phone too. All you need is the new Rootless Pixel 2 Launcher APK.

Google Pixel 3 Pixel Launcher

The APK should work on any device with Android 7.0+. The launcher also includes the Google Now page. Grab the APK from the thread below and make your phone look like the Pixel 3 before it even exists.

Download from the XDA forum thread

from xda-developers

Pixel Launcher mod with new Google Pixel 3 search bar now available

Yesterday, we broke the story about a redesigned Google Search bar that may eventually be in the Pixel 3 Launcher. The design change is pretty simple. The current style is an elongated pill-shape with the Google and mic icons on opposite ends. The new Pixel Launcher style is essentially the same thing, but there’s a break that separates the mic icon. This new style is found on the home screen and in the app drawer.

The reception to this new look has not been super positive. A lot of people see it as a change just for the sake of change. There are also a lot of people that like the look and love to have the bleeding edge on their device. Thanks to the work of XDA Senior Member paphonb, you can get the look on your phone too. All you need is the new Rootless Pixel 2 Launcher APK.

Google Pixel 3 Pixel Launcher

The APK should work on any device with Android 7.0+. The launcher also includes the Google Now page. Grab the APK from the thread below and make your phone look like the Pixel 3 before it even exists.

Download from the XDA forum thread

from xda-developers

[Hands on] Razer Phone Android Oreo developer preview adds a new gesture, Dolby Atmos app, and display profiles

The Razer Phone is a device marketed to gamers, but the specs are nice enough to make any Android user drool. The 5.7-inch 1440p display has 120Hz refresh rate. Gaming is powered by the Snapdragon 835 processor, 8GB of RAM, 64GB internal storage, and a beefy 4,000 mAh battery. Razer launched the phone last year with Android 7.1 Nougat, but they promised to bring Android Oreo to the device in early 2018. Yesterday, they announced the first Android 8.1 Developer Preview and today we have it.

The update comes with all the usual Android Oreo goodies: notification channelspicture-in-picture modenotification snoozingbackground app optimizations, and more. But there are a few new features specifically for the Razer Phone as well. We’ll start with a simple feature that allows you to double-tap the lock screen to sleep. The lock screen doesn’t typically stay on for very long, but this is a quick way to turn it off.

The next feature is a new “Vivid” mode in the display color settings. Using this mode forces DCI-P3, which is a common RGB color space. An increasing number of phones have been shipping with this feature. We saw it going back to the Samsung Galaxy S8 and up to the Google Pixel 2 and HTC U11+. Razer has put a lot of emphasis on the display, so it only makes sense to have the best color profiles.

Sound quality is another area where Razer has put a lot of attention. The front-facing stereo speakers are certified by THX and they support Dolby Vision sound. Back in January, the Razer Phone received an update that added Dolby 5.1 surround sound among other things. The Oreo preview includes a new Dolby Atmos app to fine tune the audio even more. The app allows you to adjust the sound for music, movies, games, and more.

If you’re interested in flashing the preview on your Razer Phone, grab the factory image from this page. Razer has also provided flashing instructions. Let us know how the preview is working on your Razer Phone.

from xda-developers

[Hands on] Razer Phone Android Oreo developer preview adds a new gesture, Dolby Atmos app, and display profiles

The Razer Phone is a device marketed to gamers, but the specs are nice enough to make any Android user drool. The 5.7-inch 1440p display has 120Hz refresh rate. Gaming is powered by the Snapdragon 835 processor, 8GB of RAM, 64GB internal storage, and a beefy 4,000 mAh battery. Razer launched the phone last year with Android 7.1 Nougat, but they promised to bring Android Oreo to the device in early 2018. Yesterday, they announced the first Android 8.1 Developer Preview and today we have it.

The update comes with all the usual Android Oreo goodies: notification channelspicture-in-picture modenotification snoozingbackground app optimizations, and more. But there are a few new features specifically for the Razer Phone as well. We'll start with a simple feature that allows you to double-tap the lock screen to sleep. The lock screen doesn't typically stay on for very long, but this is a quick way to turn it off.

The next feature is a new "Vivid" mode in the display color settings. Using this mode forces DCI-P3, which is a common RGB color space. An increasing number of phones have been shipping with this feature. We saw it going back to the Samsung Galaxy S8 and up to the Google Pixel 2 and HTC U11+. Razer has put a lot of emphasis on the display, so it only makes sense to have the best color profiles.

Sound quality is another area where Razer has put a lot of attention. The front-facing stereo speakers are certified by THX and they support Dolby Vision sound. Back in January, the Razer Phone received an update that added Dolby 5.1 surround sound among other things. The Oreo preview includes a new Dolby Atmos app to fine tune the audio even more. The app allows you to adjust the sound for music, movies, games, and more.

If you're interested in flashing the preview on your Razer Phone, grab the factory image from this page. Razer has also provided flashing instructions. Let us know how the preview is working on your Razer Phone.

from xda-developers

Secure Your Data Online with This Award-Winning VPN

If you’re still surfing the Web without the protection of a Virtual Private Network (VPN), you’re leaving your most valuable and sensitive data—including credit card numbers and browsing history—open to attack by hackers. Nord VPN is one of the highest-rated VPNs on the market, and right now a 2-year subscription is on sale for $69.

Unlike most VPNs that offer security at the expense of browsing speed, NordVPN offers high-speed connections to over 3,500 secure servers in 61 different countries. That means you’ll be able to enjoy uninhibited, 2048-bit encrypted browsing virtually anywhere on earth.

Whether you’re browsing on public Wi-Fi hotspots, cellular networks, or your home Internet, NordVPN lets you browse in complete anonymity and allows you to bypass those obnoxious content filters when you travel overseas—meaning you’ll be able to keep up with work or your favorite Netflix shows.

NordVPN even automatically deploys a firewall in the event that your connection is unexpectedly dropped, so your security isn’t in jeopardy.

You can start browsing the Internet securely with a 2-year subscription to NordVPN—on sale for 75% off at $69.

from xda-developers

Secure Your Data Online with This Award-Winning VPN

If you're still surfing the Web without the protection of a Virtual Private Network (VPN), you're leaving your most valuable and sensitive data—including credit card numbers and browsing history—open to attack by hackers. Nord VPN is one of the highest-rated VPNs on the market, and right now a 2-year subscription is on sale for $69.

Unlike most VPNs that offer security at the expense of browsing speed, NordVPN offers high-speed connections to over 3,500 secure servers in 61 different countries. That means you'll be able to enjoy uninhibited, 2048-bit encrypted browsing virtually anywhere on earth.

Whether you're browsing on public Wi-Fi hotspots, cellular networks, or your home Internet, NordVPN lets you browse in complete anonymity and allows you to bypass those obnoxious content filters when you travel overseas—meaning you'll be able to keep up with work or your favorite Netflix shows.

NordVPN even automatically deploys a firewall in the event that your connection is unexpectedly dropped, so your security isn't in jeopardy.

You can start browsing the Internet securely with a 2-year subscription to NordVPN—on sale for 75% off at $69.

from xda-developers

Google Pixel C and Nexus 6 get LineageOS 15.1 while Samsung Galaxy A5/A7 2017 get LineageOS 14.1

Thanks to the ultra-popular LineageOS ROM, a few devices are getting a taste of Android Oreo and Android Nougat. The last time we talked about the Pixel C was when unofficial LineageOS 15 Beta was available. This was just after it had received its last official Android update. The Nexus 6 is even older and was left behind at Android Nougat. The Samsung Galaxy A5 and Galaxy A5 were launched in early 2017 with Android Marshmallow. New LineageOS builds are here to update these devices.

LineageOS 15.1 will soon be available for the Google Pixel C and Nexus 6. This build is based on AOSP Android 8.1 Oreo. The devices get a plethora of new features along with the stability that makes Lineage such a popular ROM. Since Google has stopped officially updating these devices, you can switch to Lineage to stay up to date.

The Samsung Galaxy A5 and A7 (2017) have received fairly steady security patch updates, but they’re still stuck on Nougat 7.0. LineageOS 14.1 is based on AOSP Android 7.1 Nougat and it will be available for both devices. These phones have received fairly consistent security patches, but Lineage offers a cleaner version of Android and continued updates. This also means it’s likely these devices will get LineageOS 15.1 (Android Oreo).

The builds aren’t available yet, but they will be at the links below when they arrive. Keep in mind that these are official builds. There are still issues with the unofficial LineageOS 15.1 ROMs for the A5 and A7, so you’ll want to stick with 14.1 for now. Lineage is a stable ROM with AOSP features. Check it out if you’re interested in extending the life of your aging device.

Google Pixel C Download Page
Google Nexus 6 Download Page
Samsung Galaxy A5 2017 Download Page
Samsung Galaxy A7 2017 Download Page

from xda-developers

Google Pixel C and Nexus 6 get LineageOS 15.1 while Samsung Galaxy A5/A7 2017 get LineageOS 14.1

Thanks to the ultra-popular LineageOS ROM, a few devices are getting a taste of Android Oreo and Android Nougat. The last time we talked about the Pixel C was when unofficial LineageOS 15 Beta was available. This was just after it had received its last official Android update. The Nexus 6 is even older and was left behind at Android Nougat. The Samsung Galaxy A5 and Galaxy A5 were launched in early 2017 with Android Marshmallow. New LineageOS builds are here to update these devices.

LineageOS 15.1 will soon be available for the Google Pixel C and Nexus 6. This build is based on AOSP Android 8.1 Oreo. The devices get a plethora of new features along with the stability that makes Lineage such a popular ROM. Since Google has stopped officially updating these devices, you can switch to Lineage to stay up to date.

The Samsung Galaxy A5 and A7 (2017) have received fairly steady security patch updates, but they're still stuck on Nougat 7.0. LineageOS 14.1 is based on AOSP Android 7.1 Nougat and it will be available for both devices. These phones have received fairly consistent security patches, but Lineage offers a cleaner version of Android and continued updates. This also means it's likely these devices will get LineageOS 15.1 (Android Oreo).

The builds aren't available yet, but they will be at the links below when they arrive. Keep in mind that these are official builds. There are still issues with the unofficial LineageOS 15.1 ROMs for the A5 and A7, so you'll want to stick with 14.1 for now. Lineage is a stable ROM with AOSP features. Check it out if you're interested in extending the life of your aging device.

Google Pixel C Download Page
Google Nexus 6 Download Page
Samsung Galaxy A5 2017 Download Page
Samsung Galaxy A7 2017 Download Page

from xda-developers

How to install Android Oreo with the April security patch on the Samsung Galaxy Note 8

Even though Android Oreo for the Qualcomm Snapdragon Samsung Galaxy Note 8 was just released for AT&TVerizon, and Sprint, the April security patch version of it has already been released onto Samsung.Firmware.Science.

This update is for the Snapdragon Samsung Galaxy Note 8. The update is not certified yet, so you will need to follow this guide to get the Google Apps working. This build includes the April security patch and the typical array of Android Oreo features, such as notification channels, picture-in-picture mode, notification snoozing, background app optimizations, and more. As you would expect, there are plenty of Samsung-specific changes with Samsung Experience 9.0 as well. You can follow the guide below to install it yourself.

How to Update Galaxy Note 8 to Android Oreo:

  1. Check your phone’s model number to see if its N950U.
  2. Before you start here you need to follow this guide to install Android Oreo on build number N950USQU3CRC2.
  3. You will need to download 2 OTA files, CRC2 to CRC4 and CRC4 to CRC5. I recommend downloading one and renaming it then downloading the other, after doing that transfer them to your sd card
  4. After downloading those files and making sure you are on update version N950USQU3CRC2, go to recovery by powering off your phone and holding volume down + power + Bixby button.
  5. If you have an SD card, select “apply update from SD card.” You can select this by using your volume rockers to navigate and the power button to select. After selecting the option, find the update for CRC2 to CRC4 that you renamed and select it, apply the update and let the phone reboot.
  6. Once the CRC4 update is applied, reboot to recovery and do the same as above with the CRC4 to CRC5 update. Once you do this, your phone will reboot and you will be good.
  7. If you don’t have an SD Card, you can use adb to install it. Boot into recovery by using volume down + power + Bixby and select “apply update from SD card” then you can use the adb command adb sideload CRC2 to
  8. Once the CRC4 update is applied, reboot to recovery and do the same as above with the CRC4 to CRC5 update. Once you do this, your phone will reboot and you will be good.

from xda-developers